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About the Artist

The artist says...


'Weaving by hand on traditional-style looms I produce contemporary woven and hand-dyed textiles in my studio here at Anteros. Designs range from fine silk scarves to hangings and art installations using natural fibres, sustainable materials and natural dyes where possible.


My shawl, Norwich Red, is in the permanent collection of Norwich Castle Museum.


Weaving gives me endless opportunities to explore materials, colour texture and scale. I like to work intuitively, sometimes letting the piece develop organically.


Themes might develop from the local natural environment. I am especially drawn to the liminal areas, between land and water, of shore and marsh, trying to capture changes such as transient ripples of wind or water, or of tide, weather, season. Recent projects were based on stunning images of the Cromer Chalk Reef, and by the sight of sea lavender growing on the salt marshes.


Weaving can be a solitary occupation, so I like to balance this with sharing ideas with others, whether through working collaboratively on projects and exhibitions, or through involvement in community groups and providing workshops and tuition. Some interesting highlights have included working as an artist/educator at The Sainsbury Centre, and being invited to take part in Tony Robinson’s TV series The Museum of Us, including being filmed weaving here in my Anteros studio! Last year I was a weaving consultant for the Double Weave exhibition at Ditchling Museum of art and craft.


I am a selected member of Norfolk Contemporary Craft Society. The Costume & Textile Association invited me to showcase my work in their 35th Anniversary exhibition last year.


I am lucky to be part of the artistic community here at Anteros, and visitors are welcome to my studio to watch looms in action, chat about textiles, or view, buy or commission work.'

Anteros Arts Foundation

Our opening hours are Monday to Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 10am-4pm


​7-15 Fye Bridge Street




01603 766129

Charity #1135692

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